Conduit finally has integration with hummus

The feature all conduit users have been waiting for, is hummus integration, you can now finally present hummus-specific articles in the Hummus Articles section. Furthermore, Hummus Markdown has been created to express your feelings using a picture of hummus generated by AI, which can be directly embedded into your markdown using a new syntax.

How to update?

Install Conduit version 1.0.1 “The Hummus is de way” or if you are using the web interface, no update is necessary.

How to use the new hummus markdown?

Prefix a new line with hummus# to have an AI generate a picture of hummus besides your text, to mirror your true untapped feelings on the topic.

Why did you choose hummus over falafel?

Hummus is a better descriptor of feelings rather than falafel.

How does the AI work?

It is built upon OpenAI’s ChatGPT, everyone’s favourite and most secure AI.

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Very good article!